Wednesday, 20 August 2014


I'm just finish reading 'Contengan Jalanan' by Hlovate.. What an interesting novel! You should read it guys! 5 stars,i recommended :) Well, the novels was really really touch my heart.. It's a story about the two man who still searching what is the point of their life.. Then, what i really really into it because i've read this sentence 'A man who decided to change on the 12th hours dies on the 11th'.. I've read this before but i don't remember where i found it before.. Hlovate told that there have a video about that quotes and the tittle was 11th Hour.. Thus, i found it..

For me death can happen suddenly in anywhere, and in any age.. Thus, as long as we have a chance, try to change..times waits for no man guys.. Grab the chance to change, there's no time to wait.. -Reminder for me too-

Besides of the video, i think here is also related.. 'If Today Was Your Last Day' by Nickelback.. try to intepret the song... It is about what will happen if today was our last day, coz maybe tomorrow we don't have a chance to live in this world again or died.. So, what we will do for the last day we alive??

'Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life'

Seriously, this two video really inspired me.. Change 'till we have time to change.. Death is sure, but when?? We doesn't know when we will leave this world.. Maybe tomorrow, maybe 2 days later or maybe another hours.. 

 'The Life of This World Is a Transient Shade' " My similitude and that of the life of this world is that of a traveler who took a rest at mid-day under a shade of a tree and then left it." (Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim)

Thanks for read this. I hope it inspire your life.

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